The ever so mesmerising piano from _Clocks_ fills my mind with reveries. Sweet memories of the times i've spent with my close friends in this desert. But there is a strange apprehension building up. Apprehension about parting from some of my best friends. Isn't it strange? Together, tethered to the this place for 3 years and on one fine day, it dawns upon you that half of your batchmates are gone ? Gone forever ?Gone for good, gone for bad? No one's going to be evaluating the answer to this question. To each his own. Only time will tell. But the fact that they'll be gone stays. I don't intend to make all my readers land up in tears, but just that all should keep an eye on the calender, the days when you start missing your chunchun draw near :)
Its been a really nice semester. Friends have been kind to me and i have been loyal to them. For starters i have cemented my bond with most of the people i had intended to. I knew this was my last chance. This place has given me something, and i'll not be leaving empty handed. Though not many but some really good friends indeed. This is my return gift and i am glad. Though i haven't been as lucky in academics. But i intend not to give up on life. There is so much more to explore and will sooner or later find my Love. No big deal. So many things happened this semester, starting from the trip to hills with haRAMis, 3 days i will never ever forget. The night of 25th January will henceforth be celebrated as Booze night every year and where ever you are ( u know if i'm taking bout u ) you shall drink to mark the love we have for each other remembering all the good times we've spent. Then the batch snaps, which i was so hesitant about initially. Batch snaps was the best thing to happen this semester. Then the 7 day trip with my sis to her and my place and yeah we've come so much closer sis and you know. Finally came the year book and again i was hesitant in giving/taking write-ups. But u know i like these u-turns so much. I like to take longer paths to the same destination not because i'm a loser, but because i like to explore each and every possibility before i finally decide upon something. All the write-ups have landed me in tears. Some reminded me of old times, some just showed how much people care for me. Every write-up is extremely valuable and will remain with me for the rest of my life. Thanks Nitya, Ghana, Gujju, Ghiya and Toffi :)
To those who were not able to write 'write-ups' fot their close friends, i request you to give testimonials on social networking websites to them. You will not understand the importance of a testimonial unless you get one from a close friend.Go give it a try.
This is by far the least time i've put in writing any post and i guess it shows. But then it had been too long and i wanted to blog about whatever was going through my mind. With Clocks playing for the n-th time in loop, i will take leave with just a passing thought.
The Days are drawing near;
And we won't be together anymore;
And I'll just say;
While the sun shines, make hay!
PS: That was pretty shitty i guess :P
But yeah 4 weeks left, enjoy each other's company while ur still together. Ciao. :)